Monday 26 October 2020

How to fix Incredimail 64 bit download?

 Meaning of Incredimail 64-bit Download?

Incredimail 64-bit Download is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.


Causes of Incredimail 64-bit Download

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "Incredimail 64-bit Download" error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

Follow these steps to fix your problem:

It is highly suggested that you carry out all the steps in exact manner to effectively get rid of your problem.

Scan the Computer with the Windows Repair Tool

This repair tool is free to download as well as easy to use. It scans, detects and repairs your computer for system errors like Incredimail 64-bit Download. The tool is powerful enough to find malicious items that are hidden on the computer.

1. Download Repair Tool from the link below. Save the file to your Desktop so that we can access the file easily.

2. After downloading, navigate to the file location and double-click it. This will start the installation procedure. User Account Control will prompt if you want to run the program, click Yes to continue.

3. On initial launch of the program, it will display a welcome screen. Leave the checkbox unticked to allow the repair tool to start an automatic scan and click Install to start the installation procedure.

4. The tool will now install itself on your computer. The tool will download necessary updates so Internet connection is required at this point.

5. The tool will automatically start a preliminary scan of your machine to help determine the health of your PC.

6. Once the scan is complete the tool will tell you which areas of your PC are damaged and if a repair is necessary. If it is, click on the Start Repair button in the bottom right corner.

7. After it's finished it's repair your computer should be fixed. You may need to restart your computer to complete the process.

Call  +1-800-359-4380 for help and support of Incredimail Windows 10.

Friday 23 October 2020

How to install Incredimail on Windows 10?

Download IncrediMail for Windows 10 — Just now software named IncrediMail, a Messaging and Chat app for Windows. This software also works with Windows XP / XP 64 / Vista / Vista 64 / Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64 Operating System. 

You should Download IncrediMail app only from trusted publishers and retail websites.

Steps to Install incredimail on Windows 10 :

  1. Firstly, open your favorite Web browser, not an Internet Explorer.
  2. Yeah, you can use Chrome or any other browser
  3. Then download the IncrediMail installation file from the trusted link like on above of this page
  4. Select Save or Save as to download the program. Most antivirus programs like Bit Defender will scan the program for viruses during download.
  • If you select Save, the program file is saved in your Downloads folder.
  • Or, if you select Save as, you can choose where to save it, like your desktop.

5. After the downloading IncrediMail completed, click the .exe file twice to running the Installation process

6. Then follow the windows installation instruction that appear until finished

7. Now, the IncrediMail icon will appear on your Desktop

8. Click twice on the icon to running the Application into your Windows 10 PC.

If you face any problem Call  +1-800-359-4380 for help and support of Incredimail Windows 10.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Reinstall Incredimail for Windows 10

 IncrediMail is a free email application that you download and run from your computer. It provides the basic features of an email program, but provides a large selection of emoticons, 3-D effects, animation and creative backgrounds. The application has a friendly user interface and provides a quick data backup feature. If you have accidentally erased IncrediMail or bought a new computer you can download and reinstall the program at no charge.

Steps to Reinstall Incredimail :

Step 1

Go to the IncrediMail download Web page (see link in the Resources) and click “Download IncrediMail — FREE” under IncrediMail Windows 10. (Click on the corresponding language link in the right section of the page under “Choose Your Language” first if you want to download IncrediMail in another language.)

Step 2

Click on “Save” in the confirmation pop-up, navigate to the location on your hard drive where you want to save the setup file and click “Save” again.

Step 3

Double click the saved file to execute it, click “Next” in the installation wizard’s window and follow the step-by-step on-screen prompts to reinstall IncrediMail to your computer.

Call  +1-800-359-4380 for help and support.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

How to contact Incredimail Support?

 Incredimail is a software program. The program was released for the first time in 1999 and in 2000 the first user registered to download the program. It was founded by Yaron and Ofer Adler. Incredimail is available in many different languages. Incredimail is a proprietary licensed software program. Incredimail is a web mail service. The current updated version of Incredimail is compatible with Microsoft Vista. Recently, Incredimail has launched instant messager Project Messy. Incredimail features a number of different email backgrounds, thousands of fun emoticons, animated email notifiers, 3D effects, funny animations, fly spellchecker, and sounds, and so much more.

Providing Incredimail technical support is our forte and thus our company has mark a good position in the market through its technical assistance for Incredimail. Our services of  Incredimail Support are meant for providing complete solutions in order to solve all issues related to Incredimail. We are backed by a team of skilled technicians who are well qualified and having years of expertise. These team members have in depth expertise in handling any sort of Incredimail issues.

We provide certified help for various Incredimail Issues:

  • Fixing issues of importing and exporting contacts
  • Blocking sender in your e-mail
  • Stopping spam mails on e-mail
  • Retrieving deleted e-mails
  • Configuring multiple accounts on the e-mail client
  • Uninstalling outdated e-mail
  • Retrieving password for e-mail account
  • Troubleshooting errors when sending or receiving mails
  • Troubleshooting errors while upgrading over older versions
  • Installing, updating and configuring Internet security software
  • Helping in curbing any phishing or spamming attempt
  • Troubleshooting of Incredi mail
  • Repairing of Incredi mail
  • Upgradation of Incredi mail
  • Configuration of Emails on Incredimail 

  • Call  +1-800-359-4380 for Incredimail Support.

    Friday 14 August 2020

    How to fix Incredimail not working?

     Causes of IncrediMail Not Working 

    There is a bundle of reasons due to which the working mode of IncrediMail turns into non-working. One can have a look on following points to understand causes for the same :

    • Improper Email id Configuration : It is quite possible that due to some unknown activity in between mail configuration procedure this error can occur. This happens because the mailing account is not properly set up in IncrediMail, which causes an issue during the server communication.
    • Few Issues in PC Firewall Settings : A situation might occur where you have to change settings of Firewall, which is compatible with an another program but, not for IncrediMail. Therefore, it is important to remember all those changes that you make so that it becomes easy to analyze that why IncrediMail is not working.
    • Corruption in IncrediMail Data File : Last but not the least, virus attack, system malfunctioning, etc., all these harmful activities also leads to email client instability. These computer threats cause corruption in IncrediMail database files, which becomes inaccessible while running the program.

    Fix ‘IncrediMail Not Working’ Problem

    The measures are dependent upon the causes of the problem. Therefore, once you are done with tracking of problem cause then, choose any of the suggested workarounds to resolve the incredimail.

    Call  +1-800-359-4380 for more help and support.

    Monday 27 July 2020

    How to setup a POP3/IMAP email account in Incredimail?

    1. Steps to setup a POP3/IMAP email account in Incredimail :

    2. 1. Open Incredimail. Select “Tools” > “Email Accounts”.

    1. 2. Click “Add” then choose “Other”.

    1. 3. E-mail address : Full email address, Password : Email account password

    1. 4. Then click “Next”.

    1. 5. Fill in the Incoming and Outgoing mail servers details:

      • Account type : POP3 / IMAP
      • Ingoing mail server:
      • Outgoing mail server :
    1. 6. Then click “Next”.

    1. 7. Click “OK”.

    1. 8. Select “Tools” > “Email Accounts”, double click Dataplugs email account.

    1. 9. Click “Servers”, make sure Username : Full email address.

    1. 10. Click “Advanced” tap and confirm the Server Port Numbers.

      Note :

      Non-SSL SettingsSecure SSL / TLS Settings
      Incoming Server:

      • IMAP Port : 143
      • POP3 Port : 110

      Outgoing Server:

      • SMTP Port : 2525
      Incoming Server: refer to cpanel email configure)

      • IMAP Port : 993
      • POP3 Port : 995

      Outgoing Server:
      (please refer to cpanel email configure)

      • SMTP Port : 465

      Remark : If you use Secure SSL / TLS Settings, check the “This service requires a secure connection (SSL)” box in both outgoing and Incoming mails.

    1. 11. Click “OK”.

    2. Call  +1-800-359-4380 for more help and support of  Incredimail.

    Tuesday 14 July 2020

    How to fix Incredimail error 4320?

    Incredimail is one of the prominent brands of email commuting in the current scenario. It is a very useful application because it deals out to store all the confidential data and you can control your work from anywhere anytime. We consist of the best team who will take care of all the issues of the customers. Just in case, if you require any kind of assistance then in that situation you must feel free to get in touch with our professionals.

    There are plentiful issues encountered by the users when they are not able to tackle the issue of error 4320 in Incredimail which is kind of a technical issue and users are not able to overcome it. However, the main reason behind this error is that it keeps giving you a message that your system is running sluggishly and it might also occur due to internet issues and users may also face the problem of sending and receiving messages in this error. So, whenever you get jammed in this kind of issues then you don’t get worried and directly take help from our team which is very dependable and consistent in giving outstanding solutions to all the chaotic issues of the users in a very less time which is very important for the users.


    • Download and incomplete installation of the Incredimail might be the reason for the error.
    • Malicious infections are one of the reasons for the error.
    • Corruption in windows registry is one of the prime reasons for the error.

    Best ways to resolve Incredimail Error 4320

    • First of all, you have to repair the registries that are associated with the error 4320.
    • Then, you have to do the complete malware scan of your system.
    • After that, you have to clear out all the junk which includes temporary files and folders along with the cleanup of the disk.
    • Now, you have to update the drivers of your system.
    • Then, uninstall and reinstall the program related to the error 4320.
    • And, then you have to undo all the changes that you have made in your system.
    • Then, you have to install all the available updates of the windows.
    • At last, perform a clean installation of your system.

    If error is not resolved Call +1-800-359-4380 for help and support.

    Thursday 9 July 2020

    How to contact Incredimail tech support?

    Incredimail is a propelled email program that assists users in common tasks like exchanging emails. Furthermore, clients are offered different highlights to give their messages an actual existence and make them lively. With different features and characteristics, users enjoy their common task of sending and receiving emails. On the off chance, you find any issue or obstacle to using Incredimail smoothly, at that point Incredimail support number is provided to every IncrediMail user for a better experience. Incredimail has set up its foot in the market with some truly energizing and cool highlights, follow the blog until the conclusion to know some of them.


    Features are offered to make the users satisfied with the service or product. Also with different features and highlights, it becomes easy for the users to choose the best among all.

    • Cool Emoticons

    It removes the dullness from emails and makes it cool and interesting. With funny yet attractive emoticons you can give life to your emails. This feature is equipped with Incredimail to make the users happy.

    • Funky Email Background

    You can also use funky email backgrounds while sending and receiving emails. This makes the email look more attractive and creative. By using this feature you can eliminate the essence of boring and dull emails.

    • E-cards for Occasions

    On every special and auspicious occasion, you can make beautiful e-cards that make emails look so lovely. With these e-cards, you can spread love and good wishes to the receivers via emails only.

    • Animations

    Live and cute animation could be used in the emails for more fun.

    • Email Protection Centre

    Email Protection center is provided for better assistance. Also if you find any issue and don’t know what to do then the IncrediMail technical support team is there to help you out. Incredimail value for your time and patience and try to give the best possible service for your work.

    • Can share Photos in Email

    If you want to share photos and pictures with your friends, family or anyone then it’s really easy with Incredimail to share photos via email.

    These are some of the coolest and thrilling characteristics of Incredimail that make users feel excited. Also when you use IncrediMail, it’s obvious to find some technical issues so, at that time, you need not panic using an incredible phone number for a better episode.


    Incredimail phone number technical support is provided for a better impression on users. Additionally, the point of Incredimail is to give the best support to the users. Additionally, they can’t afford to lose their customer’s interests from Incredimail. Customer support is gainful for each little issue a customer is confronting. There are various reasons and benefits of Incredimail Customer Support, push forward to know these advantages of client assistance for better learning.


    Here are some of the benefits of the Incredimail Customer support service that a user gets.

    • Qualified Experts for best solutions

    For every problem, Incredimail experts are there to help their customers with favorable solutions. Don’t hesitate to call on the Incredimail phone number if you have any issues. You will be assisted with the best assistance for your problem.

    • 24*7 Available

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s midnight or early morning. If you are working on Incredimail and finding any barrier in sending and receiving emails then, you can contact Incredimail customer care anytime as it’s available 24*7 for the users.

    • User get the solution in no time

    Users get a positive solution within a few seconds. You don’t have to wait for too long to get the solutions to your problem. You easily get answers to your query in no time.

    • You can use the Incredimail Customer support anytime, anywhere

    You can easily contact customer support anytime and anywhere. There is no specific requirement to contact them. If you have any issues, you’re free to contact the Incredimail support number.

    • Best Team to Solve Issues

    Best teams are sitting there to solve the problems of users. Don’t compromise your patience with any type of hurdle. Contact Customer care immediately, whenever it’s needed.

    Call +1-800-359-4380 for Incredimail Tech Support.

    Friday 3 July 2020

    How to fix Incredimail issues in Windows 10?

    Incredimail is a mail service providing software that helps the users by providing the facility of mails sending and receiving. It is compatible with all the OS, whether it is Windows or Mac. I can happen sometimes that the user might be in need to Fix Incredimail Issues in Windows 10. It is very necessary to solve this kind of issue as the main problem that occurs while this kind of issue is regarding the safety of the documents and files that are kept on the software. If the Incredimail does not function properly it can be a serious problem as the security services of the Incredimail also get affected by this problem.

    Steps to Fix Incredimail Issues in Windows 10

    There are mainly three methods that would help you Fix Incredimail in Windows 10.

    Method 1:

    • To start with the process, you need to uninstall the software from your system.
    • For this, go to the control panel then click on Programs from the list that will be present on the screen of your system.
    • Search for Incredimail software in the list that is present in front of you.
    • As you find the option, right click on the software and then click on remove App or uninstall App.
    • Once you are done with the above-listed steps, the process of un-installation will start.
    • Wait for the process to complete and once it is done, close the Control Panel.
    • Now, open the Browser and search for the latest version of Incredimail and download it.
    • Once the download completes, click on the downloaded setup and start with the process of installation.
    • Follow all the steps very carefully and once the installation completes, start the software and check if the problem is fixed or not.

    Method 2:

    • The Second method through which you can fix the Incredimail Issues in Windows 10 is by closing the program.
    • For this, click on close program option when the Error message prompts on the screen.
    • Now, look at the right bottom of the screen you will see the Incredimail option.
    • Double-Click on the Option and open the Incredimail.
    • Wait for some time and let the Incredimail open to check if the problem is solved.

    Method 3:

    • The third method is a manual method.
    • To operate through this method, open the Task Bar when the error message is displayed on the screen.
    • From the Task Bar, right click on the Incredimail option and Click on Exit.
    • After that, open the Windows Explorer and browse C:\Program Files\Incredimail\Bin
    • Search for the file PMC.dll and change it to PMC.dll.old.
    • Now, re-launch the Incredimail Application and check if the Incredimail issues in Windows 10 are solved or not.

    So these are some of the steps that would help you in the process to Fix Incredimail Issues in Windows 10. All the steps are genuine and they would provide a guaranteed solution for the issue. In case you require some more help or any other information about the Incredimail then, you can visit our website.

    Call  +1-800-359-4380   Incredimail  for more help and support.

    Monday 29 June 2020

    How to set up Incredimail on Windows computer?

    Incredimail is one of the best mail cloud service providers that help the users in keeping their documents, photos, files and other folders safe and secure at a particular place. There are numerous features of the Incredimail that help the users and also provide a lot of easiness in the daily functioning of the people. There are features like mail sending and receiving, cloud for saving the files, folders and other necessary personal information of the users. To know about the features it is very important that the users must know the method to Setup Incredimail on Windows Computer. By doing the setup a person can ensure that the software will work in a perfect form.

    Steps to Setup Incredimail on Windows Computer

    To perform the setup of the Incredimail, it is very important that the user must follow the step to Download Incredimail at first and then should move on to the steps to Install Incredimail on the system.

    Download Process for Incredimail Setup on Windows Computer

    • To perform this activity, you need to open your web browser in your system and search for the website that would help you download the Incredimail software very smoothly.
    • As you will go into the website, click on the option of download that is represented by the website and wait for the setup to download completely.
    • It would ask you to select the language that you prefer. Select the language and click on Next.
    • As you move forward, click on Download in the window that is open in front of you.
    • Choose the Save File option and let the file download completely.

    Once you are done with the steps to download Incredimail, you can move on to the further step i.e. Installation of Incredimail software. Below we have mentioned steps that would help you to Install Incredimail for your system. 

    Installation Process to Setup Incredimail on Windows Computer

    • As the download for the Incredimail software completes, you have to double-click on the Setup file of the Incredimail to open the install shield wizard.
    • Now, Click OK to continue with the process.
    • Follow all the instructions very carefully that are shown on the screen and once you are done with the steps you will be asked for some information that we suggest you should provide authentically so that the verification can be done properly.
    • Once you are done with all the steps of installation and you are assured that the installation has been completed successfully, you can click on Finish option.
    • As you do so, it would ask you whether you would like to launch the software immediately.
    • We suggest you restart the system for one time so that the installation of Incredimail can be ensured successfully.
    • As you restart the system once, it will ensure that the software has been installed correctly.
    Call  +1-800-359-4380  Incredimail for further help and support.

    Wednesday 24 June 2020

    How to fix problem of Incredimail?

    There are too many possible errors and issues in Incredimail that’s why it is not feasible to discuss the solution for each problem. Nevertheless, here are the solutions to some most common Incredimail problems due to which Incredimail stops working every now and then.


    An identity in Incredimail is just like a separate account within Incredimail. For example – different members of a family can use Incredimail on the same computer with their different email ID using different identities. Here are the steps you need to follow in order to create a new identity in Incredimail

    1. Launch Incredimail application and click on the “Tools” button.
    2. Then, you need to click on “Identities” followed by “New Identity”.
    3. Now, you can set up your new identity with the different email address or the same one as per your preference.
      Note: The name of the new identity should be different from the original one.
    4. In order to the switch back to your original identity, you need to click on the “Tools” button.
    5. Click on “Switch Identity”.
    6. Choose the appropriate identity and click on the “OK” button.


    If Gmail is not working in Incredimail application then you need to reconfigure it. Follow the steps given below in order to reconfigure Gmail account in Incredimail.

    1. Run Incredimail application and click on the “Tools” button from the top.
    2. Select “Email Accounts” from the drop-down menu.
    3. Then, in the mail account window, you need to click on the “Add” button. If your Gmail account is already added then first you need to click “Remove” button and then click “Add”.
    4. Select the radio button next to the ‘Let me configure settings myself’ and click on the “Next” button.
    5. Select “Gmail” from the list of different email service providers.
    6. Enter your Gmail email address and password in the “Username” and “password” field respectively.
      Note: You should make sure that the password you are entering is the correct password of your Gmail account.
    7. Finally, Click on “Next” and “OK”.

    The Gmail configuration in Incredimail is now complete. However, you still need to make some subtle changes in the Gmail settings as given below.

    1. Login to your Gmail account using any browser.
    2. Click on the “Settings” gear icon from the top right corner.
    3. Choose “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
    4. Open “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab.
    5. Choose “Enable POP for all mail”.
    6. Scroll down and click on the “Save Changes” button.

    Now, your Gmail account should work fine on Incredimail.


    If your Incredimail stopped working at the time of launching then you should check the instructions given below:

    1. Make sure that the operating system you are using is compatible with Incredimail.
    2. Your Computer system should fulfill all the system requirement of Incredimail such as Ram, Processor, Hard Disk space etc.
    3. Make sure you are using the latest version of Incredimail. In case you are using an outdated version then you should update immediately.
    4. If the problem continues then you should contact Incredimail support.


    You need to reconfigure Yahoo mail account in Incredimail if you are facing problems because Incredimail not working with Yahoo Mail. Here is how you can do it.

    1. Run Incredimail application and click on the “Tools” menu.
    2. Choose “Email Account” from the drop-down menu that will open after clicking Tools.
    3. Click on the “Add” button. If you have already added Yahoo to Incredimail then you need to click “Remove” and then click on the “Add” button.
    4. Select the “Let me configure settings myself” option and click on the “next” button available at the bottom of the window.
    5. Now, the list of different email service providers will appear on your screen such as Hotmail, AOL mail, Gmail etc. Here, you need to choose “Yahoo Mail” from the list.
    6. Provide your Yahoo Email ID and password at the respective field.
    7. Click on the “Next” button followed by “Ok”

    Now, Yahoo mail configuration in Incredimail is configured. Let’s move on to your Yahoo mail account to do some more setting changes.

    1. Log into your Yahoo! plus account.
    2. Click on the “Options” menu available right at the top of the window near sign out option.
    3. Choose “Mail Options” from the drop-down menu.
    4. Open “POP Access & Forwarding” option from the left-hand side panel.
    5. Make sure that the radio button next to the “Access your Yahoo! Mail via POP” is selected. Here, you may also choose your spam preferences as well.

    Now, your Yahoo mail account should work fine with Incredimail. If the problem continues then you may contact  Incredimail  @  +1-800-359-4380.